Eliminate Unwanted Fat in One Treatment

Gain your confidence, achieve your weight, shape, and size you’ve always wanted with the help of Elevate’s proven medical services.

What is Fun Sculpting?

Think of it as a jump start to achieving your new and improved self. We help you find the body you always wanted without the medical risks, downtime, and difficult recovery associated with traditional liposuction.

We provide the latest technology for you weight loss needs. Experience a high-definition alternative to the hassles of traditional liposuction with Fun Sculpting.

See results same day of 2-5 inches of stubborn fat removed from unwanted areas while tightening skin and achieving the body you desire without surgery or cosmetic implants.

Lasting Results

Get a jump start on the body you've always wanted, stubborn fat stays away.

Minimally Invasive, Same Day Procedure

Full Body Results

Advanced body sculpting and fat transfer can help remove stomach fat, reduce stretch marks, and even add extra volume to your chest region.

Stubborn Belly Fat

Remove that troublesome fat around the midsection with a youthful, dad bod makeover. Restore masculine figure through chest sculpting, abdominal etching, and love handle removal.

Body Sculpting through minimally invasive contouring allows for permanent removal of excess body fat. Same day, no need for overnight stay. Achieve same day results.

Weight LossHigh Definition Body Sculpting
Fat Tranfers & Lifts

Natural fat transfer can allow you to use excess fat stored in the body to augment without the use of implants or foreign fillers.

Quick Procedure, Lasting Results

Procedures take less than half a day and you are back to regular activities 24-48 hours later. Safe technology with natural long lasting results.

Customized to Fit You

Our skilled specialists assess you goals and needs to create a custom fitting plan tailored to your personal results!

See the results for yourself, schedule a no cost, no obligation consultation today!

Safe - Minimal Anesthesia

Immediate Results of 2-5 Inches

Only Takes One Treatment

Fast Recovery

Effective on All Body Sizes

"I've Never Had Curves Until Now!"

Cindy S

woman taking photo while showing smile
woman taking photo while showing smile
